Best TI WooCommerce Wishlist Alternatives In 2023: Features You Never Knew You Needed

saeed threes avatar orange theme

Saeed Threes

MoreConvert Founder

TI Wishlist is popular, but its limited options may cause people to think about what other things can a wishlist do?

Each of the popular and famous plugins may be replaced by a new plugin with more features. Because the emerging plugin may have more features and better options and cover more needs of users.

TI WooCommerce Wishlist is a very simple yet powerful plugin that allows your customers to add products to their personal wishlist, so they can come back and purchase them at a later date. They will also have the ability to share their favorite list with their friends and family on social networks.


How We Founded the Best TI Wishlist Alternative?

There are many wishlist plugins available on the official WordPress website. You can see these plugins in the table below:


Wishlist plugins
  1. MC WooCommerce Wishlist
  2. ShopEngine
  3. WPC Smart Wishlist
  4. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
  5. PickPlugins Wishlist
  6. LearnPress Wishlist
  7. NM Gift Registry and Wishlist
  8. WPInteractive Wishlist
  9. Flexible Wishlist
  10. WishSuite
  1. WebToffe Wishlist
  2. Storefront Wishlist
  3. Premmerce Wishlist
  4. Acowebs Wishlist
  5. ThemeHigh Wishlist
  6. ThemeArt Wishlist
  7. Wishlist
  8. dreiQBIK Wishlist
  9. BeRocket Wishlist
  10. Wish List for WooCommerce
  1. WCBoost Wishlist
  2. Addonify
  3. Floating Wishlist
  4. Matrix Wishlist
  5. WP eCommerce Wishlist
  6. Favorites
  7. Magnigenie Wishlist
  8. Phoneiixx Wishlist
  9. Wishlist with hearts
  10. Wishlist ShibainuIT


As you can see, the number of plugins is pretty large, and we need to put some limitations to filter the best option. The filters are:

  • Updates
  • Active Users
  • 5-Star Value (Ratings)
  • Ease of Use
  • Free Version Capabilities


Filter #1: TI Wishlist plugin Alternatives based on Updates

Updating a plugin is a very important factor. With the passage of time, the needs of users may also change, and the creators of a plugin should consider these things and consider updating their plugin according to these needs.

The plugin may also have bugs or other problems that the developer team has to fix by releasing updates.

To apply the first filter, i.e., updates, the following table has been prepared, which shows the last update of each plugin. Plugins that have been updated for more than a month will be removed.

*Plugins whose latest update is marked in red will be removed from this step.


Plugin Last UpdatePlugin Last Update
MC WooCommerce Wishlist1 day agoThemeArt Wishlist1 year ago
ShopEngine3 weeks agoWooCommerce Product Wishlist2 years ago
WPC Smart Wishlist3 weeks agoTI WooCommerce Wishlist2 weeks ago
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist1 day agoBeRocket Wishlist2 months ago
PickPlugins Wishlist2 weeks agoWish List for WooCommerce1 year ago
LearnPress Wishlist2 weeks agoWCBoost Wishlist2 months ago
NM Gift Registry and Wishlist2 months agoAddonify2 months ago
WPInteractive Wishlist3 months agoFloating Wishlist1 year ago
Flexible Wishlist3 months agoMatrix Wishlist4 months ago
WishSuite3 months agoWP eCommerce Wishlist1 year ago
WebToffe Wishlist3 months agoFavorites4 months ago
Storefront Wishlist11 months agoMagnigenie Wishlist3 months ago
Premmerce Wishlist3 months agoPhoeniixx Wishlist3 years ago
Acowebs Wishlist4 weeks agoWishlist with hearts1 year ago
ThemeHigh Wishlist5 months agoWishlist ShibainuIT1 year ago



Filter #2: TI Wishlist Alternatives based on Active Users

Using plugins with few active users or a newly launched plugin can be risky. Because that plugin has not passed its test and its use is high risk.

(Of course, this is not always true because there are many emerging plugins that are worth a shot.)

To apply the second filter, we remove plugins that have fewer than 1000 active users and have been available for more than a year.

In the table below, there are plugins that have more than 1000 active users and were released less than a year ago:

*Plugins marked in red are removed from this step.


Plugin Active UsersRelease Date
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist800,000+3.18.0  

14 February 2023

TI WooCommerce Wishlist100,000+2.3.0

03 February 2023

WPC Smart Wishlist 50,000+4.6.0

22 January 2023

MC WooCommerce Wishlist1000+1.5.1 

29 January 2023

LearnPress Wishlist100,000+ 

04 February 2023


18 January 2023

PickPlugins Wishlist500+1.0.38

01 February 2023

Acowebs Wishlist50+1.1.3

12 February 2023



Filter #3: TI Wishlist Alternatives based on Ratings 

One of the most important criteria for determining the good or poor performance of a plugin is the opinion of users who have used it.

At the same time, these ratings may mislead you into making a bad choice (For example, a plugin that has only 1 review that is 4 stars is not the same as a plugin that has four 5-stars, four 4-stars, and four-3 stars).

To apply the second filter to the plugins that have reached this stage and to compare the ratings equally, we define a factor called the 5-star value, which is obtained according to the following formula:

5 Star Value = (5 Star Ratings/ Total Reviews)*5 

This formula is a good indicator of the acceptability and validity of the ratings. Any score below 3 is not acceptable and will be removed from the table. In the table below, there are plugins that have scored above 3 using the above formula.

*Plugins marked in red are removed from this step.


Plugin 5-Star Value
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist3.29
TI WooCommerce Wishlist4.56
WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce4.5
MC WooCommerce Wishlist5
LearnPress Wishlist3.93
PickPlugins Wishlist2.91



Filter #4: TI Wishlist Alternatives based on Ease of Use 

Most of the wishlist plugins have a user interface and user experience similar to YITH Wishlist because this plugin is the oldest wishlist plugin. But that doesn’t mean YITH’s design is perfect; it’s actually a poor design compared to the likes of the TI WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin.

To use the third filter, we sort plugins based on how they look and how easy they are to use in comparison to the TI wishlist.

Here are the results and a picture of how each plugin’s user interface looks:


YITH WooCommerce Wishlist:

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
Snapshot of YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin


TI WooCommerce Wishlist:

TI WooCommerce Wishlist
Snapshot of TI WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin


WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce:

WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce
Snapshot of WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce


MC WooCommerce Wishlist:

MC WooCommerce Wishlist
Snapshot of MC WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin


LearnPress Wishlist:

LearnPress Wishlist
Snapshot of LearnPress Wishlist Plugin



ShopEngine Wishlist
Snapshot of ShopEngine Wishlist Plugin


As you can see, most of the introduced plugins had a similar appearance, and all of them have a boring admin panel design. They aren’t separated well, and there isn’t a full explanation of where each thing goes.

But MC Wishlist has an eye-catching panel design, and each of the settings has a tooltip that explains what each of them is. There is also a video tutorial for each tab, and it is well segmented. The part of the distribution elements that lets you choose a color and make it your own has a creative and touchable design.

For a detailed comparison between the best plugins here, you can check this post. It offers a comprehensive review of three popular wishlist plugins.


Filter #5: TI Wishlist Alternatives based on Free Version Capabilities

Almost all wishlist plugins offer similar options and features, which include:

  1. Wishlist Button Design:

This feature enables the user to customize the wishlist button of their online store using the plugin’s capabilities and output it to his preference.

  1. Wishlist Table Settings:

In the Wishlist Table Settings section for each plugin, you can manage the appearance of the wishlist table, i.e., set what columns and buttons show, existing actions, and the navigation.

  1. Sharing options:

Sharing capabilities can be one of the most important features of a wishlist plugin. The user can not only benefit your customers by sharing his favorite products with others, but it is also very effective for your website’s SEO.

  1. Custom texts:

Customizing the words and texts on a website page is very critical, and any plugin that lets you do this is a good one.


In this section, we apply the fifth filter, which is the free version’s capabilities. Only MC Wishlist has more free features than TI Wishlist out of all the plugins on this post’s list of favorite ones. So only the MC Wishlist plugin remains.

Here, we want to compare the two plugins, the MC Wishlist and the TI Wishlist, based on the following aspects:


AspectsMC Wishlist (8/8)TI Wishlist (4/8)
Wishlist for only logged-in users????????
Pop-up customization????
Style and color optimization for all wishlist elements????????
Tooltip for “Add to Wishlist” buttons????????
Wishlist product counter????????
Wishlist widget for Elementor????
Email Automation and Campaign????
Advanced Analytics????



TI Wishlist Alternatives: The Best Choice ????  

As you have seen in the different steps of filtering plugins, there are many plugins in the field of wishlists, and almost all of them are good and useful plugins.

But in the last stages, only two plugins (MC Wishlist and TI Wishlist) remained. We compared these two plugins with eight features. The MC Wishlist plugin worked great and had all the intended features.

Among the useful features of this plugin that make it superior, the following can be mentioned:

  • Pop-up customization
  • Free Elementor widget
  • Email Automation
  • Email Campaign
  • Advanced reports


Therefore, according to the content mentioned in this post and the reviews of different plugins, we choose MC Wishlist as the best wishlist plugin.

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Our free version includes all the essentials you need to get started.

Thank you for staying with us until the end of the article. We invite you to share this article with your friends so that they also get to know more about the Best TI WooCommerce Wishlist Alternatives in 2023.


saeed threes avatar orange theme

Saeed Threes

MoreConvert Founder

I love WordPress, its plugins, and building a free world with this tool. That is why I would like to share my experiences in this wonderful world with you. You can do anything with WordPress without any hassle.
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