Through the users tab in the analysis section, you can accurately and comprehensively check your data and get useful information about the performance of the website, lists and products. With the proper use of this powerful tool, you can improve your templates, user behavior, and page performance. In this tab, you can get detailed information about lists, the amount of sales using lists, and user interaction with lists and products.
1. Load or Customize a filter #
If you have a ready filter that you have already created, you can select the filter in this section and click on the “Load filter” button to apply the selected filter.2. Filters #
In this section you can create the filters you need. The options you can choose in this section:1.1. List type #
By selecting this option, you can create a filter based on the type of user lists. Types of lists:- Wishlist
- Multilist
- All Waitlist
- On sale
- Back in Stock
- Low stock
- Price change
- Next Purchase cart
- All lists
1.2. List status #
By choosing this option, you can create a filter based on the number of products, total payment, products, category, the date the products were added to the list, and the date of purchase from each list. Types of lists:- Wishlist
- Multilist
- All Waitlist
- On sale
- Back in Stock
- Low stock
- Price change
- Next Purchase cart
- Any list
- All lists together
1.3. Fields #
By choosing this option, you can create a filter based on user fields, these fields include the following fields:- Username
- User Email
- Billing First Name
- Billing Last Name
- Billing Company
- Billing City
- Billing Postal/Zip Code
- Billing State
- Billing Country / Region
- Billing Phone Number
- Billing Email Address
- Shipping First Name
- Shipping Last Name
- Shipping Company
- Shipping City
- Shipping Postal/Zip Code
- Shipping State
- Shipping Country / Region
- Shipping Phone Number
1.4. Roles #
By selecting this option, you can create a filter based on user roles, these roles include the following roles.- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
- Subscriber
- Customer
- Shop manager
1.5. Activity #
From this section, you can create a filter based on user activity. These activities include the following.- Commenting any content
- Commenting specific content
- Post Creation/Edit
1.6. Order Status #
In this section, you can create a filter based on the order status. This filter can be based on the following criteria.- Pending payment
- Processing
- On hold
- Completed
- Cancelled
- Refunded
- Failed
- All paid status
- All unpaid status
1.7. Compagin state #
In this section, you can create filters based on the type of campaign and the status of its emails. You can choose the email status based on the following options.- Was sent
- Was not sent
- Was opened
- Was not opened
- Was clicked
- Was not clicked
1.8. Automation state #
By selecting this option, you can create filters based on automation status. The automation status can be one of the following options.- Active
- Active in
- Not compeleted
3 And #
By clicking on this option, you can create a new filter, if you use “And”, users whose status matches all filters will be included in the campaign.4. Or #
By clicking this button, you can add another new filter, if you use “Or”, it is enough for the user to meet one of the conditions to be included in the campaign.5. Apply Filter #
After creating the filter, you can apply the filter by clicking this button.6. Bulk action #
From this section, you can apply the following functions to a number of users at once.- Export
- Send Campaign
- Delete