The Mini-Wishlist is a feature in the MC Lists Plugin that allows you to display your wishlist items in a widget. You can customize the style, position, and other settings of the mini-wishlist to best suit your needs. The Mini-Wishlist can also be used as a shortcode, making it easy to display your wishlist on any page or post.
1. Mini-Wishlist position mode #
Choose the position mode for your mini-wishlist. You can choose between “absolute position” and “fixed position”. Absolute position means items in mini-wishlist will be positioned relative to the product details size, while fixed position means they will stay in the same position on the mini-wishlist frame even when if the details are not the same.
1-1. Z-Index Mini-Wishlist #
Adjust the stacking order of the Mini-wishlist on your website by setting its z-index value. This allows you to control its placement in relation to other elements on the page.
2. Maximum products in mini-wishlist #
This setting allows you to set the maximum number of products that can be displayed in the mini-wishlist. If the number of products in the wishlist exceeds this limit, they won’t be displayed.
3. Wishlist Button Position in Mini-Wishlist #
From this section, you can change the position of the mini-wishlist button, which takes the following two values.
- After product
- Before products
4. Mini-wishlist style #
Customize the style of your mini-wishlist by choosing from a list of available styles.
5. Mini-wishlist button color #
Select colors of the “View My Wishlist” button in your mini-wishlist.
6. Mini-wishlist button sizes #
Choose the size of the “View My Wishlist” button in your mini-wishlist.