MoreConvert Documentation

Waitlist | Alert Notification Texts


From this section you can choose your desired text for the Alert Notification Texts items. These alerts will display as a toast notification.


1. “Product Added” Text #

Message displayed when a product is successfully added to the list.


2. “Product Changed” Text #

Message displayed when the state of a product in the list is changed.


3. “Product Removed” Text #

Message displayed when a product is removed from the list.


4. “Invalid Email Format” Text #

Message displayed when a guest submits an invalid email format.


5. “Activation Email Sent” Text #

Message displayed when an activation email is sent after a guest adds a product to the list.


6. “Unselected Variations Error” Text #

Message displayed when a user tries to add a product without selecting variations.


7. “Force To Login” Text #

Message prompting users to log in to use the waitlist feature. Supports {login_url} or {signup_url} placeholders.


What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024

Waitlist | Alert Notification Texts


From this section you can choose your desired text for the Alert Notification Texts items. These alerts will display as a toast notification.


1. “Product Added” Text #

Message displayed when a product is successfully added to the list.


2. “Product Changed” Text #

Message displayed when the state of a product in the list is changed.


3. “Product Removed” Text #

Message displayed when a product is removed from the list.


4. “Invalid Email Format” Text #

Message displayed when a guest submits an invalid email format.


5. “Activation Email Sent” Text #

Message displayed when an activation email is sent after a guest adds a product to the list.


6. “Unselected Variations Error” Text #

Message displayed when a user tries to add a product without selecting variations.


7. “Force To Login” Text #

Message prompting users to log in to use the waitlist feature. Supports {login_url} or {signup_url} placeholders.


What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024