The [wlfmc_total_added_to_lists]
shortcode provides an easy way to display the total number of products added to various lists on your WordPress site. This feature allows users to track the popularity and engagement of products across different list types.
Shortcode Attributes: #
♦ List Type
list_type (string)
Specifies the type of list for which you want to retrieve the total number of added products. Options include all lists, waitlist, wishlist, Mutli-lists, Save for Later, On Sale, Back in Stock, Price Change, and Low Stock. This attribute allows you to specify the type of list for which you want to retrieve the total number of products added.
Choose from the following options:
: Total across all lists.waitlist
: Total in the waitlist.wishlist
: Total in the wishlist.lists
: Total across user-created
: Total in the “Save for Later” list.on_sale
: Total in the “On Sale” list.back_in_stock
: Total in the “Back in Stock” list.price_change
: Total in the “Price Change” list.low_stock
: Total in the “Low Stock” list.
[wlfmc_total_added_to_lists list_type="wishlist"]
♦ Product ID
product_id (int)
This attribute allows you to filter the total count based on a specific product. Provide the product ID to retrieve the count for that particular product.
[wlfmc_total_added_to_lists list_type="wishlist" product_id="your_product_id"]
♦ Hide Zero Number
hide_zero_number (string)
This attribute controls whether to display the total count only when it is greater than zero.
Set this attribute to “true” to hide the count when it’s zero, and “false” to display it regardless of the count.
[wlfmc_total_added_to_lists list_type="on_sale" hide_zero_number="true"]