The Save For Later Table Shortcodes provide flexible options to customize the appearance and functionality of the Save For Later table on your Cart page.
Shortcode: #
This shortcode loads the content of the “save-for-later.php” template from the plugin’s “templates” folder, displaying the Save For Later table on the designated page.
Shortcode Attributes: #
♦ Products Per Page
per_page (int)
Sets the number of items per page in the Save For Later table. The default value is based on the WordPress option posts_per_page.
[wlfmc_save_for_later per_page="20"]
♦ Current Page
current_page (int)
Defines the current page number for pagination.
[wlfmc_save_for_later current_page="2"]
♦ Pagination
pagination (string)
Sets whether to paginate the Save For Later table.
Options include:
: Show pagination for the Save For Later
: Disable pagination for the Save For Later table.
[wlfmc_save_for_later pagination="no"]
♦ Show Empty Table
show_empty (string)
Enables or disables displaying an empty Save For Later table.
Options include:
: Show empty table.false
: Hide empty table.
[wlfmc_save_for_later show_empty="true"]
♦ Items are shown for save for later list
items_show (string)
Allows you to choose which items to display on the Save For Later table. Options include:
: Show checkboxes.product-remove
: Show a button to remove the product from the list.product-thumbnail
: Show the product thumbnail.product-name
: Show the product name.product-review
: Show the product review.product-variation
: Show the product variations.product-price
: Show the product price.product-add-to-cart
: Show the product add to cart button.product-quantity
: Show the product quantity.product-stock-status
: Show the product stock status.product-date-added
: Show the product added date.
[wlfmc_save_for_later items_show="product-checkbox, product-remove,product-thumbnail,product-name,product-variation, product-quantity,product-add-to-cart"]
♦ ‘Add to cart’ button style
button_add_to_cart_style (string)
Applies a button style for the “Add to Cart” button in the Save For Later table.
: Enables a custom “Add to cart” button.false
: Disables a custom “Add to cart” button.
Disable add to cart style Example:
[wlfmc_save_for_later button_add_to_cart_style="false"]
♦ Quantity field style
qty_style (string)
Applies a custom style for the quantity field in the Save For Later table.
: Enables a custom quantity style.false
: Disables a custom quantity style.
Disable quantity style Example:
[wlfmc_save_for_later qty_style="false"]
♦ Pagination style
pagination_style (string)
Applies a custom style for the pagination bar in the Save For Later table.
: Enables a custom pagination style.false
: Disables a custom pagination style.
Disable pagination style Example:
[wlfmc_save_for_later pagination_style="false"]
♦ Save For Later default template
custom_template (string)
Chooses whether to display the default Save For Later template or a customized template.
: Display Default Template.false
: Display Customized Template.
[wlfmc_save_for_later custom_template="false"]
♦ All together action button
enable_actions (string)
- Enables or disables the “All Together Actions” button in the Save For Later table.
: Enables the “All together actions” button.false
: Disables the “All together actions” button.
[wlfmc_save_for_later enable_actions="false"]
♦ ‘Add all to cart’ button
enable_all_add_to_cart (string)
Displays or hides the “Add All to Cart” button in the Save For Later table.
: Enables the “Add all to cart” button.false
: Disables the “Add all to cart” button.
[wlfmc_save_for_later enable_all_add_to_cart="false"]
♦ ‘Remove All’ button
enable_remove_all (string)
Displays or hides the “Remove All” button in the Save For Later table.
: Enables the “Remove All” button.false
: Disables the “Remove All” button.
[wlfmc_save_for_later enable_all_add_to_cart="false"]
♦ Login notice
notice (string)
Turns on or off the notice to inform users to login or sign-up to prevent losing their items in the Save For Later table.
: Enables Login Notice.false
: Disables Login Notice.
[wlfmc_save_for_later notice="false"]