Introduction #
This documentation provides a step-by-step guide to translating language files for the MoreConvert plugin using Loco Translate. It covers the process for both the free and premium versions of the plugin. Integration with Loco Translate is essential, especially for premium users. While these steps may not be required for free users, they are crucial for premium users to ensure seamless translation.
Backup Language Files #
Before proceeding, it’s crucial to create a backup of all translated language files (usually located in the WordPress language folder). This precautionary step is necessary as files may be deleted or translations may be lost during the process.
Step 1: Find MoreConvert Plugin Files In Loco Translate #
Navigate to Loco Translate settings and select “Plugins.”
Look for the MoreConvert plugin here.
After selecting the plugin, the translation page for this plugin will open.
Step 2: Adjusting File Prefix #
In this step, head to the “Advanced” tab, navigate to the “File prefix” section and modify the plugin slug accordingly:
– For the free version: smart-wishlist-for-more-convert
– For the premium version: smart-wishlist-for-more-convert-premium
After making the necessary adjustments, click on “Save config” to preserve the changes.
Step 3: Creating New Language #
Navigate to “Overview” -> “New language” to initiate the creation of a new language.
Step 4: Language Selection #
Choose the desired language on dropdown.
For the location, Please ensure that the selected path is the Loco Translate path (you can identify the word “loco” in the address).
Then hit “Start translating.”
Step 5: Translating Process #
After selecting “Start translating,” a new page will appear. Proceed to the “Relocate” tab and then click on “Advanced.”
Step 6: Advanced Settings #
In this tab, a new section will be added where you can replace the plugin’s slug.
After editing the slug according to the new settings, the “Move files” button will become active. Click on it to proceed.
Now, you can begin translating.
Step 7: Uploading Translated Files #
For users who have translated previously, rename the files accordingly and upload them to the wp-content\languages\loco\plugins directory to replace the newly generated files.
As an example, for the Italian language, the renamed file should look like this:
Conclusion #
By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate translation for both the free and premium versions of the MoreConvert plugin using Loco Translate.
Additionally, if you have a WooCommerce store and wish to translate your wishlist using LOCO Translate or WPML String Translation, you can refer to our guide on “How to Use WooCommerce Translation for Wishlist Translate?” for further instructions.