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Wishlist Page Appearance

wishlist page appearance


You can customize your wishlist table settings in Wishlist Page Appearance section to match your theme.


1. Wishlist Default Template #

By activating this option, the style of the single wishlist will be the same as other parts of your theme. So, the color of the button, the size of the texts, etc. will be similar to other parts of the site.



2. Buttons Text Style #

This section allows you to change the text color and font size of the buttons in different parts of the single wishlist page.


3. Buttons Color #

In this section, you can adjust the color of the buttons placed on different parts of your wishlist page.


4. Buttons Style #

In this section, you can set the size of the buttons used throughout your single wishlist page.


5. Wishlist Items Style #

This section allows you to modify the style of items displayed on your single wishlist page, including the background color, among others.


6. “Add To Cart” Button Appearance #

By enabling this option, the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist will also apply to the “Add to Cart” button.


7. Disable Quantity Padding #

Activate this option if the number field has empty spaces and does not display anything.


8. Quantity Field Style #

By enabling this option, the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist will also apply to the number input.


9. Pagination Style #

Enable this option to apply the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist to the pagination.






What are your feelings?
Updated on April 3, 2024

Wishlist Page Appearance

wishlist page appearance


You can customize your wishlist table settings in Wishlist Page Appearance section to match your theme.


1. Wishlist Default Template #

By activating this option, the style of the single wishlist will be the same as other parts of your theme. So, the color of the button, the size of the texts, etc. will be similar to other parts of the site.



2. Buttons Text Style #

This section allows you to change the text color and font size of the buttons in different parts of the single wishlist page.


3. Buttons Color #

In this section, you can adjust the color of the buttons placed on different parts of your wishlist page.


4. Buttons Style #

In this section, you can set the size of the buttons used throughout your single wishlist page.


5. Wishlist Items Style #

This section allows you to modify the style of items displayed on your single wishlist page, including the background color, among others.


6. “Add To Cart” Button Appearance #

By enabling this option, the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist will also apply to the “Add to Cart” button.


7. Disable Quantity Padding #

Activate this option if the number field has empty spaces and does not display anything.


8. Quantity Field Style #

By enabling this option, the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist will also apply to the number input.


9. Pagination Style #

Enable this option to apply the style you set for the buttons on your wishlist to the pagination.






What are your feelings?
Updated on April 3, 2024