The “[wlfmc_add_to_multilists]
” shortcode allows you to incorporate the functionality of the “Add to Multi-lists” button into your WordPress stores. This feature enables users to add items to multiple lists, similar to wishlists.
Shortcode Attributes:
♦ Product ID
product_id (int)
Use this attribute to specify the ID of the product you want the button to be added.
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list product_id="Your_product_id"]
♦ Single Product
is_single (string)
Set this attribute to true if you want to use the button on Single Product page; otherwise, on Products Loop, set it to false in order to display the button.
- true : Used for single product page.
- false : Used for products loop page.
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list is_single="false"]
♦ Button Type
button_type (string)
Choose from three button types: text, icon, or both.
- text: text only
- icon: icon only
- both: Icon and text
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list button_type="both"]
♦ Separate Icon and Text
separate_icon_and_text (string)
Enable or disable the separation of icon and text boxes with a vertical line.
- true: Enables the icon and text separation
- false : Disables icon and text separation
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list separate_icon_and_text="false"]
♦ Icon
icon (string)
Choose the button icon from 20 different icons. Or use your custom icon. You can also choose all other lists icons as well.
- multi-list-1
- multi-list-2
- multi-list-3
- …
- multi-list-19
- multi-list-20
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list icon="mutli-list-3"]
♦ Added Icon
added_icon (string)
Choose more than 20 different icons from the list. Or similar to the “add” icons, use your custom icon. You can also choose all other lists icons as well.
- multi-list-1
- multi-list-2
- multi-list-3
- …
- multi-list-19
- multi-list-20
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list added_icon="pin-o"]
♦ Icon Prefix Class
icon_prefix_class (string) (default= “wlfmc-icon-”)
Modify the icon prefix class to use a different icon font.
To use other fonts, you should add your theme’s style file and font files to your theme. These shortcodes only replace classes, not the fonts themselves.
use font awesome for icon sample:
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list icon_prefix_class="fas fa-"]
clear prefix and use prefix in icon and added_icon sample:
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list icon_prefix_class=" " icon="fas fa-mutli-list-1" added_icon="fas fa-multi-list-1-o"]
♦ Default Button Style
button_theme (string)
Control whether to use the theme’s default styles for icon and text. Set to “true” to use default styles or “false” to use customized styles. This attribute provides flexibility in styling the button.
- true: Uses default theme button style.
- false : Uses customized button style.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list button_theme="true"]
♦ Button Tooltip
enable_tooltip (string)
Determines whether to show a tooltip when hovering over the “Add to Multi-lists” button. Set to “true” to enable the tooltip or “false” to disable it. Tooltips can provide additional information or instructions to users.
- true: Enables button tooltip
- false : Disables button tooltip
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list enable_tooltip="true"]
♦ Tooltip Directions
tooltip_direction (string)
Set the tooltip positioning relative to the button (top, right, bottom, left). This attribute allows you to customize the tooltip’s placement on the screen.
- top
- right
- bottom
- left
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list tooltip_direction="right"]
♦ “Add to Multi-lists” Text
button_label_add (string)
Customize the text displayed on the “Add to Multi-lists” button. This attribute allows you to tailor the button text to better suit your site’s context
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list button_label_add="Add to List"]
♦ “View My Lists” Text
button_label_view (string)
Customize the text displayed on the “View My List” button. This attribute allows you to personalize the text for viewing the user’s lists.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list button_label_view="View my list"]
♦ “Remove from List” Text
button_label_remove (string)
Customize the text displayed on the “Remove from List” button. This attribute enables you to provide a unique message for removing items from lists.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list button_label_remove="Remove from list"]
♦ “Already in Multi-lists” Text
button_label_exists (string)
Customize the text displayed when the item already exists in the user’s list. This attribute allows you to provide a custom notification message.
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list button_label_exists="exists in list"]
♦ “Add to List” Tooltip
tooltip_label_add (string)
Customize the tooltip text for the “Add to List” action.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list tooltip_label_add="Add to list"]
♦ “View My Lists” Tooltip Text
tooltip_label_view (string)
Customize the tooltip text for the “View My Lists” action. This attribute allows you to provide personalized instructions or information in the tooltip.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list tooltip_label_view="View my lists"]
♦ “Remove from Lists” Tooltip Text
tooltip_label_remove (string)
Customize the tooltip text for the “Remove from Lists” action.
[wlfmc_add_to_multi_list tooltip_label_remove="Remove from lists"]
♦ “Already in Lists” Tooltip Text
Customize the tooltip text for the “Already in Lists” action.
[wlfmc_add_to_mutli_list tooltip_label_exists="exists in lists"]