MoreConvert Documentation

How to Use WooCommerce Translation for Wishlist Translate? (LOCO Translate and WPML String Translation)

If you have a WooCommerce store that caters to a global audience, it’s important to make sure that your site is fully translated into different languages. One way to do this is by using woocommerce translate plugins like LOCO Translate or WPML. These plugins make it easy to translate your entire site, including your WooCommerce wishlist translate, into any language you decide.

In this guide, you will learn how to use the LOCO translate and WPML string translation to translate a plugin. We are using the MoreConvert WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin, but you can apply this process to any plugin you want. 

Installing & Configuring MoreConvert Wishlist Plugin #

First you need to install and activate the MoreConvert wishlist plugin. Here is a guide to do that.

After activating the plugin, you will face the setup wizard.


MC wishlist setup wizard

In the first step, you can set the wishlist page name and limit wishlist to logged-in users.


MC wishlist page setup

Next, you should choose the wishlist button text and position.


MC wishlist Button options

Here, you can define an action to be done after clicking the wishlist button.


MC wishlist processing opions

Next, you may enable the sharing option for the wishlist.


MC wishlist marketing options

Finally, you can set the MC wishlist support options.


MC wishlist support options

Now you are ready for MoreConvert wishlist translate.

Translate WooCommerce wishlist with WPML String Translation #

Installing & Configuring WPML Plugin #

To begin the process, you’ll need to install and activate both the WPML and MoreConvert Wishlist plugin. You can use this guide for detailed instructions on the WPML plugin installation process.

WPML Translation Modes

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to run the WPML set-up wizard. During this process, you’ll have the option to choose between two different translation modes:

  • Translate Everything
  • Translate Some
Translate Everything


WPML Plugin Translate Everything
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Everything mode



WPML Plugin Translate Everything
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Everything mode in progress

Translate Everything mode will automatically translate all the site’s main content into all secondary languages as content is published or updated. This mode is best for those who want the most seamless and automatic translation process.

Translate Some
WPML Plugin Translate Some
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Some mode


Translate Some mode allows for more manual control over the translation process. You can choose what to translate, when, and who will translate it. This mode is best for those who want to have more control over the translations or for those who want to use professional translation services.


Translating Pages and Posts with WPML #

You can easily translate all pages and posts on your website.

If you select the Translate Everything mode, all page, post, and CPT content will be translated automatically. Any smaller texts, like widgets or form fields, that are not translated automatically can be translated via the String Translation Module.


If you select the Translate Some mode, you’ll need to know how to translate pages built using the default WordPress editor or with any WPML-compatible page builders. WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor makes this process easy, with illustrative screenshots to guide you through the process.

WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor


How To Use WPML Translation for WooCommerce Wishlist Translate

  1. Enter the basic settings of the WPML plugin and select the languages you need to translate the site.
  2. Install and activate the WPML String Translation plugin.
  3. Hover over WPML and enter the Theme and plugins localization section. From the plugins section, select the MC WooCommerce Wishlist plugin and click on the Scan selected plugins for strings button from the bottom of the page.
  4. Enter the String Translation section by hovering over the WPML option in the dashboard.
  5. In the window that opens at the top, you can choose which strings to show. You can also search for the desired field. For example, we have searched the string “Add to wishlist” which is one of the terms of the wishlist plugin.

  6. Now just click on the “+” icon under the flag of the language of the desired country and do your translation. You can also use the “Shift + Tab” key to go to the previous language and the next language with the “Tab” key.
    MC wishlist translate with WPML string translation
  7. To save the changes, just click outside the translation window or press one of the language change keys or use the enter button.
  8. Now you can see the changes by going to your site page and changing the language.
MC wishlist translate with WPML Plugin
Snapshot of MC wishlist translate with WPML Plugin


How to translate the Input Fields inside plugin settings? #

By following these steps, you’ll be able to provide translations for your plugin’s fields in different languages.


Step 1: Install WPML String Translation Module
Before you can start translating the input fields, make sure you have WPML’s String Translation module installed. This module is essential for managing translations within your WordPress site.
Step 2: Access WPML’s String Translation
Once you have the String Translation module installed, navigate to the WPML plugin menu in your WordPress dashboard. From there, click on “String Translation” to access the translation settings.
Step 3: Locate the Translation Domain
In the String Translation settings, you’ll find a search toolbar. Use this toolbar to locate the translation domain for your plugin’s input fields. Specifically, search for “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” in the “in domain” drop-down menu.
Step 4: Translate the Input Fields
After locating the “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” domain, you can proceed with translating each input field to the desired language.
  1. Just click on the “+” icon under the flag of the language of the desired country and do your translation.
  2. To save the changes, just click outside the translation window or press one of the language change keys or use the enter button.
Note: In case you cannot find the “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” domain in the String Translation settings, you may need to add the “wpml-config.xml” file. This file is included in both the free and pro versions of our plugin. Locate the file within the plugin’s installation folder and import it into the String Translation settings. This will ensure that the translation domain is available for translation.


Translating Other WooCommerce Elements #

WPML also comes with the WooCommerce Multilingual add-on, which allows you to fully translate your online store. This includes products, categories, tags, and more. The process is similar to the wishlist translation process, and you can use the WooCommerce Multilingual documentation for more information.

Translate WooCommerce wishlist with LOCO Translate Plugin #

Install LOCO Translate WooCommerce Plugin #

To get started with the LOCO Translation plugin, the first thing you’ll need to do is install it on your WordPress site. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Plugins menu.
  2. Click the “Add New” button at the top of the page.
  3. In the search box, type “LOCO Translation” and press enter.
  4. The plugin should appear in the search results. Click the “Install Now” button to install it.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click the “Activate” button to activate the plugin.
Loco Translate plugin
Snapshot of Loco Translate plugin on WordPress search results


LOCO Translate Settings #

Once you have the plugin installed and activated, you’ll need to configure the settings. To do this, go to the Settings menu and click on the “LOCO Translate” option. From here, you can choose your default language, as well as set up custom text domains and enable automatic translation.

Loco Translate plugin settings
Snapshot of Loco Translate plugin settings


The LOCO Translate plugin has a number of settings that you can configure to customize your translation experience. Here’s a closer look at some key settings:

  • Default Language: This setting allows you to choose the default language for your site. 
  • Custom Text Domains: This setting allows you to specify custom text domains for translation. 
  • Automatic Translation: This setting allows you to enable automatic translation for your site. 
  • Translation Memory: This setting allows you to enable the translation memory feature, which stores translations that you have previously made and suggests them when you are translating similar strings in the future. 
  • Automatic Translation Provider: If you have enabled automatic translation, you can use this setting to choose the translation service provider that you want to use.


By configuring these settings, you can customize the way that the LOCO Translate plugin works to suit your needs and preferences.


How To Use LOCO Translate Plugin for WooCommerce Wishlist Translate #

LOCO translate plugin offers a similar process for translating any WooCommerce plugin. So the following steps are the same for all WooCommerce plugins.

To use the LOCO Translation plugin for MC wishlist translate, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Loco Translate” menu and click on the “Plugins” option.

Wishlist translate using Loco translation plugin


2. Now you should find the wishlist plugin from the list. After that, you will have three options for translation.


New Language:

Wishlist translate using Loco Add new language option 1


  1. Choose the language you want.
  2. Choose where to save the created file.

After clicking on start translation, you will enter the following page.

Wishlist translate using Loco Add new language option 2


  1. Select the phrase you want to translate.
  2. Write the translation of the phrase in this section.
  3. Save the translations.
  4. By translating all the phrases in the Source text, you can complete the wishlist translate process.


Upload PO:

If you have a file with the extension PO (.po), you can upload this file in this section for translation.

Wishlist translate using Loco Upload Po option 1


  1. Select the place to save the translation file.
  2. Upload your file using the choose file option.

By clicking on the upload option, you will be directed to a page like the New language section. Here you can view and change all the phrases for wishlist translate.

Wishlist translate using Loco Upload Po option 2


Create Template:

When adding a new language and translation, you need to create a template. For this, use the Create Template option.

Wishlist translate using Create Template option


When the Spanish language setting is enabled, the MC wishlist will load the translation file. So, let’s see if it works.

Note the sample phrase we translated previously in the MC wishlist settings. We already know that “Wishlist button” is the second tab in the settings.

MC Wishlist translate using Loco translation plugin


Excellent, it works.



This concludes our guide to wishlist translate using the loco plugin. There’s a lot more to learn about translate wishlist with WooCommerce translation, and Loco Translate or WPML plugins can assist.


What are your feelings?
Updated on December 21, 2024

How to Use WooCommerce Translation for Wishlist Translate? (LOCO Translate and WPML String Translation)

If you have a WooCommerce store that caters to a global audience, it’s important to make sure that your site is fully translated into different languages. One way to do this is by using woocommerce translate plugins like LOCO Translate or WPML. These plugins make it easy to translate your entire site, including your WooCommerce wishlist translate, into any language you decide.

In this guide, you will learn how to use the LOCO translate and WPML string translation to translate a plugin. We are using the MoreConvert WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin, but you can apply this process to any plugin you want. 

Installing & Configuring MoreConvert Wishlist Plugin #

First you need to install and activate the MoreConvert wishlist plugin. Here is a guide to do that.

After activating the plugin, you will face the setup wizard.


MC wishlist setup wizard

In the first step, you can set the wishlist page name and limit wishlist to logged-in users.


MC wishlist page setup

Next, you should choose the wishlist button text and position.


MC wishlist Button options

Here, you can define an action to be done after clicking the wishlist button.


MC wishlist processing opions

Next, you may enable the sharing option for the wishlist.


MC wishlist marketing options

Finally, you can set the MC wishlist support options.


MC wishlist support options

Now you are ready for MoreConvert wishlist translate.

Translate WooCommerce wishlist with WPML String Translation #

Installing & Configuring WPML Plugin #

To begin the process, you’ll need to install and activate both the WPML and MoreConvert Wishlist plugin. You can use this guide for detailed instructions on the WPML plugin installation process.

WPML Translation Modes

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you’ll need to run the WPML set-up wizard. During this process, you’ll have the option to choose between two different translation modes:

  • Translate Everything
  • Translate Some
Translate Everything


WPML Plugin Translate Everything
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Everything mode



WPML Plugin Translate Everything
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Everything mode in progress

Translate Everything mode will automatically translate all the site’s main content into all secondary languages as content is published or updated. This mode is best for those who want the most seamless and automatic translation process.

Translate Some
WPML Plugin Translate Some
Snapshot of WPML Plugin using Translate Some mode


Translate Some mode allows for more manual control over the translation process. You can choose what to translate, when, and who will translate it. This mode is best for those who want to have more control over the translations or for those who want to use professional translation services.


Translating Pages and Posts with WPML #

You can easily translate all pages and posts on your website.

If you select the Translate Everything mode, all page, post, and CPT content will be translated automatically. Any smaller texts, like widgets or form fields, that are not translated automatically can be translated via the String Translation Module.


If you select the Translate Some mode, you’ll need to know how to translate pages built using the default WordPress editor or with any WPML-compatible page builders. WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor makes this process easy, with illustrative screenshots to guide you through the process.

WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor


How To Use WPML Translation for WooCommerce Wishlist Translate

  1. Enter the basic settings of the WPML plugin and select the languages you need to translate the site.
  2. Install and activate the WPML String Translation plugin.
  3. Hover over WPML and enter the Theme and plugins localization section. From the plugins section, select the MC WooCommerce Wishlist plugin and click on the Scan selected plugins for strings button from the bottom of the page.
  4. Enter the String Translation section by hovering over the WPML option in the dashboard.
  5. In the window that opens at the top, you can choose which strings to show. You can also search for the desired field. For example, we have searched the string “Add to wishlist” which is one of the terms of the wishlist plugin.

  6. Now just click on the “+” icon under the flag of the language of the desired country and do your translation. You can also use the “Shift + Tab” key to go to the previous language and the next language with the “Tab” key.
    MC wishlist translate with WPML string translation
  7. To save the changes, just click outside the translation window or press one of the language change keys or use the enter button.
  8. Now you can see the changes by going to your site page and changing the language.
MC wishlist translate with WPML Plugin
Snapshot of MC wishlist translate with WPML Plugin


How to translate the Input Fields inside plugin settings? #

By following these steps, you’ll be able to provide translations for your plugin’s fields in different languages.


Step 1: Install WPML String Translation Module
Before you can start translating the input fields, make sure you have WPML’s String Translation module installed. This module is essential for managing translations within your WordPress site.
Step 2: Access WPML’s String Translation
Once you have the String Translation module installed, navigate to the WPML plugin menu in your WordPress dashboard. From there, click on “String Translation” to access the translation settings.
Step 3: Locate the Translation Domain
In the String Translation settings, you’ll find a search toolbar. Use this toolbar to locate the translation domain for your plugin’s input fields. Specifically, search for “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” in the “in domain” drop-down menu.
Step 4: Translate the Input Fields
After locating the “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” domain, you can proceed with translating each input field to the desired language.
  1. Just click on the “+” icon under the flag of the language of the desired country and do your translation.
  2. To save the changes, just click outside the translation window or press one of the language change keys or use the enter button.
Note: In case you cannot find the “admin_texts_wlfmc_options” domain in the String Translation settings, you may need to add the “wpml-config.xml” file. This file is included in both the free and pro versions of our plugin. Locate the file within the plugin’s installation folder and import it into the String Translation settings. This will ensure that the translation domain is available for translation.


Translating Other WooCommerce Elements #

WPML also comes with the WooCommerce Multilingual add-on, which allows you to fully translate your online store. This includes products, categories, tags, and more. The process is similar to the wishlist translation process, and you can use the WooCommerce Multilingual documentation for more information.

Translate WooCommerce wishlist with LOCO Translate Plugin #

Install LOCO Translate WooCommerce Plugin #

To get started with the LOCO Translation plugin, the first thing you’ll need to do is install it on your WordPress site. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the Plugins menu.
  2. Click the “Add New” button at the top of the page.
  3. In the search box, type “LOCO Translation” and press enter.
  4. The plugin should appear in the search results. Click the “Install Now” button to install it.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click the “Activate” button to activate the plugin.
Loco Translate plugin
Snapshot of Loco Translate plugin on WordPress search results


LOCO Translate Settings #

Once you have the plugin installed and activated, you’ll need to configure the settings. To do this, go to the Settings menu and click on the “LOCO Translate” option. From here, you can choose your default language, as well as set up custom text domains and enable automatic translation.

Loco Translate plugin settings
Snapshot of Loco Translate plugin settings


The LOCO Translate plugin has a number of settings that you can configure to customize your translation experience. Here’s a closer look at some key settings:

  • Default Language: This setting allows you to choose the default language for your site. 
  • Custom Text Domains: This setting allows you to specify custom text domains for translation. 
  • Automatic Translation: This setting allows you to enable automatic translation for your site. 
  • Translation Memory: This setting allows you to enable the translation memory feature, which stores translations that you have previously made and suggests them when you are translating similar strings in the future. 
  • Automatic Translation Provider: If you have enabled automatic translation, you can use this setting to choose the translation service provider that you want to use.


By configuring these settings, you can customize the way that the LOCO Translate plugin works to suit your needs and preferences.


How To Use LOCO Translate Plugin for WooCommerce Wishlist Translate #

LOCO translate plugin offers a similar process for translating any WooCommerce plugin. So the following steps are the same for all WooCommerce plugins.

To use the LOCO Translation plugin for MC wishlist translate, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Loco Translate” menu and click on the “Plugins” option.

Wishlist translate using Loco translation plugin


2. Now you should find the wishlist plugin from the list. After that, you will have three options for translation.


New Language:

Wishlist translate using Loco Add new language option 1


  1. Choose the language you want.
  2. Choose where to save the created file.

After clicking on start translation, you will enter the following page.

Wishlist translate using Loco Add new language option 2


  1. Select the phrase you want to translate.
  2. Write the translation of the phrase in this section.
  3. Save the translations.
  4. By translating all the phrases in the Source text, you can complete the wishlist translate process.


Upload PO:

If you have a file with the extension PO (.po), you can upload this file in this section for translation.

Wishlist translate using Loco Upload Po option 1


  1. Select the place to save the translation file.
  2. Upload your file using the choose file option.

By clicking on the upload option, you will be directed to a page like the New language section. Here you can view and change all the phrases for wishlist translate.

Wishlist translate using Loco Upload Po option 2


Create Template:

When adding a new language and translation, you need to create a template. For this, use the Create Template option.

Wishlist translate using Create Template option


When the Spanish language setting is enabled, the MC wishlist will load the translation file. So, let’s see if it works.

Note the sample phrase we translated previously in the MC wishlist settings. We already know that “Wishlist button” is the second tab in the settings.

MC Wishlist translate using Loco translation plugin


Excellent, it works.



This concludes our guide to wishlist translate using the loco plugin. There’s a lot more to learn about translate wishlist with WooCommerce translation, and Loco Translate or WPML plugins can assist.


What are your feelings?
Updated on December 21, 2024