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Multi-list | Page Custom Text


Customize the labels and tooltips displayed on Multi-list page.


1. “Lists” Text #

Label for the section heading text related to lists page.


2. “Previous List” Text #

Text displayed for navigating to the previous list.


3. “Next List” Text #

Text displayed for navigating to the next list.


4. Lists Tab Text #

Text displayed for the lists tab.

2-Lists Tab Text


5. Empty List Title #

Message displayed when the user has no lists.

3-Empty List Title


6. Empty List Content #

Additional content displayed when the user has no lists.

4-Empty List Content


7. Create New List Description #

Description prompting users to create their personal collections and lists to share with others.

5-Create New List Description


8. “Change Privacy” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for changing the privacy settings of a list.

7-"Change Privacy" Tooltip


9. “Edit List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for editing a list.

8-"Edit List" Tooltip


10. “Open List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for opening a list.

9-"Open List" Tooltip


11. “Delete List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for deleting a list.

10-"Delete List" Tooltip



What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024

Multi-list | Page Custom Text


Customize the labels and tooltips displayed on Multi-list page.


1. “Lists” Text #

Label for the section heading text related to lists page.


2. “Previous List” Text #

Text displayed for navigating to the previous list.


3. “Next List” Text #

Text displayed for navigating to the next list.


4. Lists Tab Text #

Text displayed for the lists tab.

2-Lists Tab Text


5. Empty List Title #

Message displayed when the user has no lists.

3-Empty List Title


6. Empty List Content #

Additional content displayed when the user has no lists.

4-Empty List Content


7. Create New List Description #

Description prompting users to create their personal collections and lists to share with others.

5-Create New List Description


8. “Change Privacy” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for changing the privacy settings of a list.

7-"Change Privacy" Tooltip


9. “Edit List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for editing a list.

8-"Edit List" Tooltip


10. “Open List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for opening a list.

9-"Open List" Tooltip


11. “Delete List” Tooltip #

Tooltip text for deleting a list.

10-"Delete List" Tooltip



What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024