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Wishlist Page Display Options

wishlist page display options


Customize how your wishlist page appears and functions with Wishlist Page Display Options:


1. List Display Mode: #

Select how you want to display your lists on the wishlist page for users:

  1. Single list: Display all lists separately.
  2. Multiple Tabbed Lists: Display all lists, including waitlist, wishlist, and multilist, in a user-friendly tabbed layout on a single page.


2. User’s Wishlist Page Options: #

Choose how to display the wishlist page for users:


  1. Display on a custom user panel: Show the wishlist page within a custom user panel. If selected, specify the “WooCommerce My Account Wishlist Page Slug” for the link.
  2. Display on the Guest List Page: Show the wishlist page on the guest list page. Enable or disable the “Show Link To Wishlist In My Account” option.
  3. Display on a custom user panel: Display the wishlist page within another custom user panel. If selected, specify a “Custom URL” for the link.


3. Guest Wishlist Page: #

Select the wishlist page for guest users. Choose an existing page or create a new one. Alternatively, add the [wlfmc_wishlist] shortcode to any desired page.


4. Login Notice: #

Enable to show a login notice for guests on the wishlist page. This notice helps generate more leads by encouraging users to log in or sign up.







What are your feelings?
Updated on April 3, 2024

Wishlist Page Display Options

wishlist page display options


Customize how your wishlist page appears and functions with Wishlist Page Display Options:


1. List Display Mode: #

Select how you want to display your lists on the wishlist page for users:

  1. Single list: Display all lists separately.
  2. Multiple Tabbed Lists: Display all lists, including waitlist, wishlist, and multilist, in a user-friendly tabbed layout on a single page.


2. User’s Wishlist Page Options: #

Choose how to display the wishlist page for users:


  1. Display on a custom user panel: Show the wishlist page within a custom user panel. If selected, specify the “WooCommerce My Account Wishlist Page Slug” for the link.
  2. Display on the Guest List Page: Show the wishlist page on the guest list page. Enable or disable the “Show Link To Wishlist In My Account” option.
  3. Display on a custom user panel: Display the wishlist page within another custom user panel. If selected, specify a “Custom URL” for the link.


3. Guest Wishlist Page: #

Select the wishlist page for guest users. Choose an existing page or create a new one. Alternatively, add the [wlfmc_wishlist] shortcode to any desired page.


4. Login Notice: #

Enable to show a login notice for guests on the wishlist page. This notice helps generate more leads by encouraging users to log in or sign up.







What are your feelings?
Updated on April 3, 2024