MoreConvert Documentation

Multi-list | Add/Move To List Popup Settings


Customize the popup appearance and content for adding, moving, or copying items to lists.


1. “Move All To List” Text #

Label for the button to move all items to a different list. This button appears after user selects some products to move to other lists.



2. Popup Add Title #

Title of the popup when adding an item to a list.


3. Popup Move Title #

Title of the popup when moving an item to another list.


4. Popup Copy Title #

Title of the popup when copying an item to another list.


5. Popup Add Content #

Description in the popup for adding an item to a list.


6. “Manage” Button Text #

Label for the button to manage list items.


7. Popup Move Content #

Description in the popup for moving an item to another list.


8. Popup Copy Content #

Description in the popup for copying an item to another list.


9. “Empty List” Text #

Message displayed when there are no lists created.


10. “Not Found List” Text #

Message displayed when no lists are found during a search.


11. “Search” Placeholder #

Placeholder text for the list search input field.


12. “Save” Text #

Label for the button to save changes in the popup.


13. “Move” Text #

Label for the button to move items to another list.


14. “Copy” Text #

Label for the button to copy items to another list.


15. “Create New” Text #

Label for the button to create a new list.


16. Successfully Move Message #

Confirmation message when an item has been successfully moved, with placeholders for dynamic list names.




What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024

Multi-list | Add/Move To List Popup Settings


Customize the popup appearance and content for adding, moving, or copying items to lists.


1. “Move All To List” Text #

Label for the button to move all items to a different list. This button appears after user selects some products to move to other lists.



2. Popup Add Title #

Title of the popup when adding an item to a list.


3. Popup Move Title #

Title of the popup when moving an item to another list.


4. Popup Copy Title #

Title of the popup when copying an item to another list.


5. Popup Add Content #

Description in the popup for adding an item to a list.


6. “Manage” Button Text #

Label for the button to manage list items.


7. Popup Move Content #

Description in the popup for moving an item to another list.


8. Popup Copy Content #

Description in the popup for copying an item to another list.


9. “Empty List” Text #

Message displayed when there are no lists created.


10. “Not Found List” Text #

Message displayed when no lists are found during a search.


11. “Search” Placeholder #

Placeholder text for the list search input field.


12. “Save” Text #

Label for the button to save changes in the popup.


13. “Move” Text #

Label for the button to move items to another list.


14. “Copy” Text #

Label for the button to copy items to another list.


15. “Create New” Text #

Label for the button to create a new list.


16. Successfully Move Message #

Confirmation message when an item has been successfully moved, with placeholders for dynamic list names.




What are your feelings?
Updated on April 14, 2024