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How To Display SKU in Wishlist Table?

In this guide, discover how to seamlessly display SKU in Wishlist Table with this code snippet.

This code snippet facilitates how to display SKU in Wishlist Table. By utilizing the ‘wlfmc_table_product_details_end’ action hook, the custom function ‘wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables’ is called, allowing you to enhance your WooCommerce wishlist by including SKU information for each product.


How To Display SKU in Wishlist Table? #

To Display SKU in Wishlist Table, follow these steps:

  • Access your WordPress theme’s directory.
  • Locate the functions.php file.
  • Insert the following code snippet into the functions.php file:

    function wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables( $item, $wishlist, $atts ) {
    $product = $item->get_product();
    if ( $product ) {
    echo esc_attr( 'Sku:'. $product->get_sku() );
    add_action( 'wlfmc_table_product_details_end', 'wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables', 10, 3 );

  • Save the functions.php file.


Result #

Here you can see the result for this feature:

how to display sku in wishlist table


What are your feelings?
Updated on November 15, 2023

How To Display SKU in Wishlist Table?

In this guide, discover how to seamlessly display SKU in Wishlist Table with this code snippet.

This code snippet facilitates how to display SKU in Wishlist Table. By utilizing the ‘wlfmc_table_product_details_end’ action hook, the custom function ‘wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables’ is called, allowing you to enhance your WooCommerce wishlist by including SKU information for each product.


How To Display SKU in Wishlist Table? #

To Display SKU in Wishlist Table, follow these steps:

  • Access your WordPress theme’s directory.
  • Locate the functions.php file.
  • Insert the following code snippet into the functions.php file:

    function wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables( $item, $wishlist, $atts ) {
    $product = $item->get_product();
    if ( $product ) {
    echo esc_attr( 'Sku:'. $product->get_sku() );
    add_action( 'wlfmc_table_product_details_end', 'wlfmc_show_sku_in_tables', 10, 3 );

  • Save the functions.php file.


Result #

Here you can see the result for this feature:

how to display sku in wishlist table


What are your feelings?
Updated on November 15, 2023